Under this group. such names are arranged, as describe Mother and the Universe and the souls, etc., as a way to be useful from the point of achieving progress and evolution
(401) Pratishthaa प्रतिष्ठा - Foundation. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र नाम क्रमांक 829
Pratishthaa means honour or fame, fixity and foundation.
Mother is the foundation of the Universe and the supreme consciousness which She has or is, the foundation of all consciousness about all things. She establishes certain relations of cause and effect, substance and property, and laws governing all the phenomena of the Universe. Similarly, in the path of evolution, it is Her Grace that lays the foundation of all evolution.
It is this Pratishthaa which gives fixity, character and devotion, and which establishes one firmly in devotion and the path of progress.
Praan-Pratishthaa of an idol or a photograph means the sanctifying the same, by pouring in or establishing the soul force therein, by those that are empowered to do so, by intense devotion and purity, through Divine Grace.
(402) Prakataakritih प्रकटाकृतिः Of form experienced by all. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 830
Prakata, experienced by all, akrutih Her nature. All men know themselves (i.e. their selves) as "I", and have no doubt about the existence of themselves and yet through delusion, they never think, know or recognise all different selves to be proceeding from Mother.
A child believes, it is indebted to the house tap for allaying thirst. A working cooly says he is indebted to the street pipeline. A mechanical engineer says he is indebted to the water workstation. The hydraulic Engineer states he is indebted to the river dam. The physicist says he is indebted to the clouds. The geologist says, to the ocean, further someone to Sun and still further, the astronomer will refer to the solar system and so on. Each man is able to judge according to his capacity.
(403) Guhyaa गुह्या - The secret. Mother is Secret of Secrets. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 624
Mysterious are the ways of Mother.
Just mark the contrast, She is as comprehensible and knowable as broad daylight as meant by the name Prakataakrutih, and yet, Guhyaa, most incomprehensible. By now, the reader must be able to explain the contradiction. To them whom She chooses She is knowable; to them from whom She wishes to conceal Herself She is Guhyaa; but the last word is that She is Guhyaa.
(404) Sarvaadhaaraa सर्वाधारा - Supporter of all.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 659
Mother is the supporter of all. Aadhaara means to support and Dhaaraa means gradations and laws. She establishes grades, different diversities, and establishes a government, although, in the end, it is Mother Herself who is perceived in all things, permanent or impermanent, gross, subtle or more subtle, embodied or disembodied, one or many and everywhere.
(405) Sadasadrupadhaarini सदसदरूपधारिणी - Mother is the foundation and assumes all forms of being and nonbeing.
Sat means Mother and Asat means Universe.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 661
Sat and Asat are also the two kinds of knowledge. Sat is knowledge or mental understanding about Mother, after the realization of the unity underlying the Soul, Universe and Mother. It is after this realization alone, that the Universe becomes Asat (non-existent). Asat knowledge means the knowledge which is not non-existent, but which is contrary to the final truth, and which every soul has, before the above-said realization.
Sat and Asat also mean existence and non-existence. Existence is what is permanent and unchangeable. Whatever appears as either existent or non-existent is caused to appear so, by the desire of Mother.
(406) Kevalaa केवला - The absolute.ललिता सह्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 623
She is single and devoid of all attributes, perfect, complete and not subject to any modifications.
(407) Adrishyaa अदृश्या - Invisible.ललिता सहस्रनाम सस्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 649
It requires Her Grace to be able to see Her working and Her Hand, in the working of the universe and the dispensations, rewards and punishments, awarded to individuals. The proverb runs " God's stick has no sound. "
(408) Divyavigrahaa दिव्यविग्रहा - Divine bodied, with shining person.ललिता सहस्र नाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 621
Those who get a glimpse of Mother, first see such a flood of light, that the eyes close down as on the sudden appearance of sunlight in dark and the devotee falls in a swoon for a few seconds.
(409) Prajnaanaghanarupini प्रज्ञानघनरूपिणी - In the shape of concentrated knowledge.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 574
Knowledge obtained as the concentrated essence from the experience of many actions and their results and conclusions which gives guidance to every being, at every further step.
As the taste of saltishness experienced in a lump of salt is neither within nor without, so is full and concentrated knowledge, permeated in and around the "object known", outside and principally as reflected in the brain stuff.
(410) Jnaanavigrahaa ज्ञानविग्रहा - Whose body is formed of atoms, every one of which is permeated with knowledge.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्रनाम क्रमांक 644
Jnaana alone is the supreme liberator, Jnaana lone is the supreme binder. This universe consists of knowledge. There is nothing beyond knowledge. Jnaana is both Vidyaa or liberating knowledge and Avidyaa, or binding knowledge.
(411) Satyaanandasvarupini सत्यानंदस्वरूपिणी - Who is the ideal of truth and bliss.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 646
The true joy which is not the joy experienced by worldly people proceeds from a full understanding of life, Universe and Mother and full self-control and self-surrender to Mother's Divine Will.
(412) Satya-jnaana-anada-rupaa सत्यज्ञानानंदरूपा - In the form of Truth, wisdom and bliss. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 791
Mother is both knowledge and ignorance, the high-class joy and worldliness joy.
Those who worship ignorance, enter into deep darkness. Those who worship knowledge, enter into the highest lights. What one likes, that he seeks, What he seeks that he collects knowledge about. Seeking and knowing how he gets approach to the sought. What one is in contact with, that attracts him. What attracts him that he exerts to possess. Finally deleting the intermediate process, what one likes, that he gets.
The important psycic law is that the illuminated gets more and more illuminated and the deluded gets more and more deluded.
The reverse meaning is brought out thus : - Sati (सत् ) Ajna (अज्ञ) Anaanandaa (अनानंद) or Sati (सत् ) - Ajnaana(अज्ञान) - Aanadaa(आनंद) :- सत्यज्ञानानन्दरूपा = सत्य +ज्ञान + आनंद + रूपा // सत्य+ अज्ञ + अनानंद + रूपा // सत्य + अज्ञान + आनंद + रूपा
The entire absence of joy or the continuous feeling of being miserable, for them, that do not know Mother (Sati, Thee) or the imitative or delusive joy arising from the worldwormness and sense living of them that are in dark regarding Mother (Thee), respectively. These two, as also the joy of the truly wise and followers of truth, all proceed from Her (Thee), and are making of Hers (Thine) and are aspects of Her (Thine) alone.
Dearest reader, if thou hast love for me, repeat and repeat the above para, substituting Thee and Thine for Mother, Her, Hers and Her, etc. for the sake of thy love for me at least. From "The entire" to "alone". i.e. : [ The entire absence of joy or the continuous feeling of being miserable, for them that do not know THEE or the imitative or delusive joy arising from the worldwormness and sense living of them that are in dark regarding THEE, respectively. These two, as also the joy of the truly wise and followers of truth, all proceed from THEE, and are making of THINE, and are aspects of THINE alone.]
It has made me loose myself at 9 A.M. on Friday, 9 January 1940.
The joy of them, that are blessed with wisdom, knowledge of Truth and experience of bliss, as well as that of those drowned in ignorance and worldliness due to the absence of a relationship with or at least, knowledge of Her, are both Hers.
And it is this, that explains why true devotees of Mai enjoys everything, even ignorance, worldliness, irreligiosity and atheism, and are not ruffled thereby, and are never driven to hating others; as in the case of religious persons of other creeds. A Mai-ist is very broad in his outlook. He says," Well if the joy of the particular soul lies in evil, let him be happy therewith. It is all Mother's play."
(413) Paraaparaa परापरा - Superior and Inferior. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 790
"Paraa means superior, enemy, distance, " and Aparaa the reverse. Paraa means others and Aparaa means the self; again Paraa means foe and Aparra friends. Paraaparaa is he, who is far and near, without and within, foreign or familiar, foe or friend.
Mother is neither of these and yet both of these.
Paraa and Aparaa also mean the two kinds of knowledge true and false, similarly night and day, and therefore mother is dawn, which joins the two.
Mother, when She wants to create, prompts Her devotees to praise Her, as the dawn at the time of the beginning of creation.
Knowledge is said to be two-fold by the division of Paraa and Aparaa. Of these, the first is the supreme knowledge and leads to the cognition of the Mother, and liberation from the bondage of the self. The second, Aparaa knowledge is such knowledge of false notions, beliefs, differences, etc. as simply becomes the cause of greater and greater bondage. Some add the Paraaparaa knowledge which is there, when one who well knows both varieties of knowledge, continuously swings between the two and attains little of permanent gain.
Worship is also of three kinds: Aparaa, Paraaparaa and Paraa.
Aparaa means, remaining in the spiritual realm of nonduality, the Aparaaparaa is worship of Mother, through and by means of the (Shree) Chakra.
The Paraa means worship of all manifestations of Her, without the higher understanding.
Mother is also threefold, paraa , Aparaa and Paraaparaa. Brahmi, the creative energy, which has the white colour, is said to be Paraa. Vaishnavi, the protective energy, which has the red colour is Aparaa, and Raudri, the destructive energy, which is black coloured, is called Paraaparaa.
(414) Paraanishthaa परानिष्ठा - Supreme end. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 573
Attaining Mother is the final goal.
All kinds of actions and knowledge, sooner or later, bring the soul to that conclusion.
All actions good and even bad, by experience, lead you to the same conclusion, and that being the goal to be achieved, Jivas are made to do all different actions, both bad and good, and to pass through various experiences.
(415) Paraatparaa परात्परा - The supremest of the supreme. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 809
Mother is greater than the greatest, nearer than nearest, more befriending than the most befriending. The worshipper of the Highest Lord, Servant of the lowest servant, grosser than the grossest, and subtler than the subtlest.
(416) Dharma-adharma-vivarjitaa धर्माधर्मविवर्जिता- Devoid of virtue and vice. ललिता सहस्रानाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 255
She is not bound by the limitations of vice and virtue in a matter of Herself and Her relations with devotees. Virtues and vices are tendencies, which lead to finally permanently desirable and undesirable actions and results.
When She showers Her Grace on a devotee, She first makes Her devotees devoid of vice and virtue, and then that which leads to a desirable result is taught to him by teachers whom She specially deputes to teach him. Generally speaking, that conduct which prevails in each country in accordance with tradition, conditions and circumstances, and which is not contrary to the fundamental truths in scriptures, is called Dharma. As per Mother's Ideal, sacrifice, good conduct, self-control, non-injury, gift and sacred study, etc. is Dharma. Dharma means upholder, whatever holds you up from going down. Dharma further means duty, i.e., duty to one's creator, one's sisters and brothers, and to the universe, ancestors and posterity, and finally Dharma mean one's nature, and this is suggestive of union with Mother or returning to the final most Mother.
(417) Heyopaadeyavarjitaa हेयोपादेयवर्जिता -She has nothing to reject or to accept. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 304
Because She has no fear and no hope.Because She is above the influence of anything, and because She is not imperfect. She is not busy with perfecting Herself. Because none and nothing is attractive or repulsive to Her.Scriptural obligations and prohibitions, except those relating to fundamental universal truths, are not indispensable to one, who has received Mother's Grace.
(418) Svaprakaashaa स्वप्रकाशा - Self-illuminated.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 414
She is known or seen only by Her own desire, and not by any other cause or compulsion.
(419) Manovaachaamagocharaa मनोवाचामगोचरा- Beyond mind and speech. Transcendent. ललिता सहस्रनाम क्रमांक 415
In Vishnu Puraan, it is stated, "I bow down to the Supreme Ishvari, Who transcends speech and mind."
Sometimes it is said, that the mind turns away fully vanquished, and convinced of the impossibility of comprehending Mother, and again sometimes it is stated that by mind alone, She should be and will be perceived. This contradiction is explained by adding the qualifying words "Not purified" and "purified by Her Grace", respectively to the word "mind".
(420) Vimarsharupini विमर्शरूपिणी - In the Vimarsha form. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 548
Vimarsha is inherent vibration.
Vimarsha is the first inherent vibration in Finalmost Mother, who has the Prakaasha form as the Fundamental one and is Vimarsha that produces the animate and inanimate universe and destroys it. Vimarsha is the amplifier like speech to the Prakaasha as thought. Both are counterparts of each other. If there is no thought, speech has no meaning and value. If there is no speech, a thought has no value and thinking has no utility.
(421) Tripuraa त्रिपुरा - Master of the different triples. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 626
Mother is called Tripuraa because She is the Mother of the three entities (Brahmaa, Vishnu and Rudra). There are many triples, e.g., the three Naadis -Sushumnaa,Pingalaa and Idaa; as also Manas, Buddhi and Chitta. Again there are three Devaas, three fires, three energies. Whatever in the world is threefold, is referred to here, as belonging to Her.
Tripuraa also suggests the three aspects of Her Lotus Feet, white, red and combined coloured.
Mai's White Lotus Feet indicate the pure Samvit, i.e., universal consciousness, which is untainted by any Upaadhis, (obstructive environments), etc. The red feet are the Paraahantaa (Supreme egoism); also known as Mahat being the first emotion(vritti) from the Samvit (universal consciousness). The combined coloured feet indicate atoms of egoism, manifesting themselves, each by the modification (the vritti) of " I " in individuals. This egoism is known as Ahankaar, which gets nourishment from knowledge, which is imperfect or unreal or perverse, along with all other paraphernalia of emotions, which again owe their existence to " I "(egoism).
Kabir says: The world dies with " I " 's death.
(422) Trimurtih त्रिमूर्तिः- Triple formed. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र ,नाम क्रमांक 628
Mother assumes three forms, white, red and black. The supreme energy endowed with Satvic quality, which enables Brahmaa to work is white; the same endowed with Rajasic quality and enabling Vishnu to work is red, the same endowed with Tamasic quality and enabling Rudra to work, is said to be black.
(423) Tryakshari त्र्यक्षरी- Three-syllabled. ललिता सहस्रनामस्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 630
The three syllables are the Beejaas of the three divisions (of the Panchadashi Mantra), namely, Vaagbhava, Kaamaraaja and Shakti.Vaagishvari is the Jnaana Shakti and confers salvation. Kaameshvari is the ruler of desires and is the Ichchhaa Shakti. Bhagamaalini is the Kriyaa Shakti, the supreme energy, which is the fulfiller of desires at one end, and the securer of the salvation at the other.
(424) Trijagadvandyaa त्रिजगवंद्या - Adored by the three worlds.ललित सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 627
(425) Ashtamurtih अष्टमूर्तिः - Eight-formed.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 662
Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect and egoism are the eight forms, of elements, physical astral etc.
"Wealth, intelligence, earth, nourishment, protection, contentment, radiance and stability are the eight forms", of reliefs and remedies, by which Mother protects Her devotees.
Mother as manifest in the self, makes the self to be of eight kinds, according to the difference of qualities, viz., (1) Elemental Self (Bhutaatman); (2) Embodied soul (Jivaatman) (3) Inner Self (Antaraatman) (4) Wisdom Self (Jnaanaatman) (5) Great Self (Mahaatman) ; (6) Untaintable Self (Nirmalaatman); (7) Positively pure Self (Shuddhaatman); and (8) Supreme Self (Paramaatman).
The most important meaning of eight forms for the Mother worshipper may be taken as under:-
She is Braahmi, Maaheshvari, Kaumaari, Vaishnavi, Vaaraahi, Indraani, Chaamundaa and Mahaalakshmi, and they respectively govern the following emotions of the whole universe and individual souls :
Desire, wrathfulness, greed, infatuation, pride, envy, sin and merit.
These are governing deities, or forces and forms, and according to as they are pleased or indifferent or displeased, they favour, remain neutral or obstruct the soul, in their respective fields, through the agency of thoughts, desires and actions.
(426) Aatmaa आत्मा - Soul.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 617
As different sparks are to fire, so are all Jevaas( souls) to Mother.
Soul or Atmaa is one who obtains, receives and enjoys the objects and exists perpetually.
All bodies of embodied souls are the representations of Shakti and all embodied souls are sparks of Shiva.
(427) Aatmavidyaa आत्मविद्या - Spiritual knowledge.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 583
Knowledge about the soul and its latent powers, knowledge about spirit versus matter and of soul versus body.
(428) Shrividyaa श्रीविद्या - Sacred science. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 585
There are four sacred sciences for salvation, viz., the sacrificial science, the exalted science, the secret science and the spiritual science. Mother is the initiator of all these and Mother is the bestower of salvation. The said four sciences are sciences of Action, Devotion, Mantra and the science of Knowledge about the relations of the soul, universe and Mother.
(429) Chandikaa चण्डिका ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 755
The root "chandi" means anger. She becomes angry with those who harass Her devotees. Chandikaa is also called Chaamundaa and She is the controller of "Sin". She is so named because She relieves Her devotees from the terror of two demons, Chanda and Munda. Chanda means the trunk of the body, and the Munda means the head. She is called Chaamundaa because She removed the head from the trunk of many oppressors of the world. According to Mai-istic interpretation, the meaning may be taken to be "She that removes the sins, due to flesh and perverted intellect, of Her devotees.
(430) Chanda-Munnda-asura-nishudini चण्डमुण्डासुरनिषुदिनी Destroyer of the Chanda and Munda, the two Demons. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 756
(431) Prachandaa प्रचण्डा - Wrathful.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 827
It is out of fear of the dispenser of the Karmic law, i.e.. of Her, that the different deities regularly discharge the duties assigned to them. The Sun revolves untiringly. Out of fear of Her, the wind blows. How can one without the possessing the capacity of showing anger, and whom the people do not fear, enforce righteousness ? People are often set right more by fear of punishment than by love of reward.
(432) Nityaklinnaa नित्यक्लिन्ना - Ever compassionate.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 388
(433) Jayaa जया - Allied to Jayini. Ever giving victory.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 377
(434) Purushaartha-pradaa पुरूषार्थप्रदा -Granting the returns of the efforts of men, who propitiate Her.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र ,नाम क्रमांक 291
Those who worship the Supreme Shakti, whether properly or improperly, are certainly not in Samsara (worldworms) and are sure to be liberated in a miraculously short period, on being dragged through most dizzy downfalls after most enviable enthronements, repeatedly.
Purushaarthaas are four in number, being Dharma, Artha, Kaama and Moksha. These respectively mean righteousness and religion, property and means for making religious progress, fulfilment of legitimate desires and liberation or salvation.
(435) Paashahastaa पाशहस्ता - Holding the noose in Her hand. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र ,नाम क्रमांक 810
(436) Paashahantri पाशहन्त्री - Destroyer of noose.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र नाम क्रमांक 811
The noose is to be seen in Mother's lower left hand. She removes the bonds of Her devotees with Her own hand.
The above two names are indicative of the fact stated before, viz., that She will bind with the noose and She will again destroy or release the very noose. The same weapon is used either for binding one or for releasing one or another.
(437) Brahmaani ब्रह्माणी ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 821
Ani means tail and Active Mother is the tail of Passive Mother or Brahman. Ani also means giving life and then Brahmaani means Mother that creates or gives life to Brahmaa, the Creator of the Universe.
(438) Brahman - ब्रह्मन Allied name.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र नाम क्रमांक 822
The stage which is attained by liberated souls. Or that knowledge is Brahman, which annihilates duality.
(439) Vijayaa विजया - Making Her devotees ever victorious. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 346
Mother that gives success in all undertakings , to those who propitiate Her on tenth of Bright Fortnight of Aashwin Month, after great propitiation of Her, during the first nine days from 1st to 9th.
Vijayaa is the deity and Vijayaa Dashmi (Dasheraa) is the day of Victory for Mother's devotees. It is a sacred festival day for Hindus and is connected with success of Rama after Mother worship and that of Paandavas of Mahaabhaarat and so on. All Hindu kings observe the day with great splendour and display, and on the said festival day, people worship their weapons, and means of power and maintenance, swords, horses, even motor cars etc. The day falls somewhere near about October.
(440) Vimalaa विमला - Unsullid. Pure in midst of all impurities.ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 347
(441) Vaagavaadini वाग्वादिनी- The speaker of the word. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 350
She resides as speech in the mouth of Her devotees, and She is the origin of all words and their phonetic powers.
(442) Vidyaa विद्या - Allied name. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 549
The Supreme art consisting of sacred knowledge and action, which by discrimination of the creations of Maayaa leads to wisdom and salvation, is Vidyaa.
(443) Vahnimandalavaasini वह्निमण्डलवासिनी- Residing in the circle of fire. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र , नाम क्रमांक 352
Vahni-vaasini is the name of one of the sixteen Nityaas.
Vahnimandalaa lies in the Mulaadhaara Chakra. Vahni means three.She resides in the three circles of the moon, the sun and the fire in the Sahasraar, Anaahat and Mulaadhaar Chakras.
(444) Vignanaashini विघ्ननाशिनी - Destroyer of difficulties and Remover of hindrances in the path of knowledge and religious progress. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 451
(445) Vaishnavi वैष्णवी - Mother of protection. Mother of Vishnu. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 892
She is sung as Vaishnavi, (1) because She bears conch, disc and club wich are born by Vishnu as well; (2)because She is the Mother of Vishnu.
(446) Vishnurupini विष्णुरूपिणी -Mother in the form of Vishnu. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 893
Mother's male form was that of Lord Shri Krishna, who bewildered milk-maids, (Gopees).
The Ancient Shakti becomes Bhavaani, in its ordinary form. In battle She takes the form of Durgaa; in anger that of Kaali or Chandi; and She also takes Vishnu's male form. The one and the same Mother has been worshiped in so many forms, including Male forms as well.
(447) Vajreshvari वज्रेश्वरी -Giver of Vajra thunderbolt to Indra. This is the sixth Nityaa. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 468
(448) Vajrini वज्रिणी - Hard hearted like a thunderbolt. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 944
She becomes so seemingly, while testing Her devotees and while subjecting them to hardest ordeals, and making them pass through the tests and ordeals, with the object of transforming them to be Her highest chosen sons.
Vajrini also means wife of Indra. (Indraani), who serves Mother as a door-keeper.
(449) Pulomajaarchitaa पुलोमजार्चिता - Worshipped by Indra's wife. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 545
None can be more queenly than She , who is the wife of Indra, the king of all deities, and the constant queen. The mythology is that on exhaustion of all merit (Punya), one Indra falls and another Indra takes charge. Indra's wife however , remains constantly the same . Even she serves Her humbly.
When Indra was dethroned, the wife of Indra received the powerful Mantra of Mother from Brihaspati and worshipped Tripura-Sundari. Indra was restored to her and the kingdom of heaven was restored to Indra.
(450) Vaanchhita-artha-pradaayini वांछितार्थप्रदायिनी Bestowing the desired objects. ललिता सहस्रनाम स्तोत्र, नाम क्रमांक 989
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