Selected ten names of Mother explained


It will be seen from what follows that the names are enumerated under groups. There are readers and repeaters. For repeaters, I Would suggest that they should go to the different groups and make out a program of what groups suit them best. If they find themselves not satisfied with groups as they are they may break the groups and make out groups themselves.

The best practice would be to repeat all thousand names in the original order, as may be given at the end, without reproducing meanings, which does not take more than thirty minutes. The mental process of reproduction of the interpretation should be reserved for the reserved for leisure hours if we have studied the text unless reading is automatically by the reproduction of the sense. Repetitions are mainly of four kinds in order of merit; by the clear sound that is audible to all, by a simple movement of lips; by a bee-like nasal droning sound, and by the mental reproduction of the sound and indentation in the brain stuff.

Whatever portion you decide to repeat must be imagined to be the necklace of most precious pearls of names put in a case which you offer to Mother, the upper and lower lid of which should be eight names of Group A, narrated and explained at the commencement of the A group. (Shree- Maataa to Brahmaand Mandala).

A flying prayer would be to have, between the said eight names ten names which are the 100th, 200th, 300th, 400th, 500th, 600th, 700th, 800th, 900th, and 1000th, names in the original text, which are as under.

(1) Brahma Granthi Vibhedini: The Realising Redistributing Mother.

The idea is that during the period of inaction after the dissolution of the universe, which involves and revolves ad infinitum the souls with their different desires, assets and liabilities, different natures etc. are anxiously waiting for the beginning of the universe and its working. Just, as when you are suffering severely due to some pain and have a restless night, you count your moments for the dawn when you can possibly run to the Doctor, Mother relieves the souls from the suspense and redistributes the different varieties and factors that go to make and run the universe. Brahma must be taken to mean “all everything”. Granthi means a knot. All souls and everything during dissolution is as it were pressed down to and packed into a huge one conglomerate.

Mother unlooses the knot, and brings about differentiation in the creation, brings out as it were order out of chaos, and establishes embodied condition for the souls out of the disembodied condition. This is what exactly what a house-owner does when he wants to reconstruct his house which has collapsed. He sorts out whatever is there into different materials- wood, iron, bricks, sheets, etc.

(2) Sarva Mangala: - All’s salvation-securing Mother.
Some short-sighted persons always ask to themselves “If God had not made the universe,” “ In what accursed moment God thought of creating the universe”. So here, this second name says that this differentiation and creation is so directed and managed all throughout that the ultimate goal which is never lost sight of, is the gradual better being of all up to the point of salvation. On the subtle self examination it will be found that none likes one’s existence and individuality to be wiped out. What one really wants but does not understand is a better life. Those who really think it a God’s punishment to have been given life, have an easy way out. On the contrary, those that complain most about the above stated God’s folly (?) are the most desirous of the maximum happiness life can give, and the greatest length of life etc.

(3)  Naam Rupa Viverjitaa: - Nameless and formless Mother.
There are five principal properties of everything. It has an existence, a form, a name,  a cognition, and an attraction. Asti, Roopa, Naam, Bhaati, Priya.

Mother is above name and form, i.e., has infinite names and forms.

(4) Vyaapini: - All-pervading Mother. Mother’s name is Mother, Mother is Universal and Mother of the whole humanity.

(5) Maanasa Nishthaa : - Microcosmic Mother. Mother residing in one’s own self.
The first four names give an idea as if Mother were a third person, nameless and formless, all-pervading in the macrocosm outside, who has created the universe and who is for the salvation for all. The fifth name is the name suggestive of introspection and suggests that She that animates and governs the body in the microcosm inside, as perfectly as in the microcosm, is also Mother. Man is a spark or a wave of a God as fire or ocean. Man is divine by his very being and has to return to the final element from whence he has originated.

(6) Daksha Yajna Vinaashini: - Self-aggrandisement- Subduing Mother.
( this name has a reference to a Hindu Mythology)
Daksha, the father of Sati or Parvati (Shiva’s Consort), had commenced a sacrifice. It was however not in humility and in the spirit of selflessness and desireless-ness. Ishvar, the husband of Parvati, was not invited being considered as unworthy. On finding that it was so, Parvati sacrificed Herself on the sacrificial altar and thus She was the nullifier of Daksha's sacrifice.

Mother similarly purges out all the selfishness, and other evils of Her devotees by Her mysterious ways, which none can explain or understand. Yours most strenuously worked out achievement, best but with the smallest defect, will be first accepted for encouragement by Mother, but soon thereafter, rejected to enable you to be still better and better.

(7) Sat- chidaananda- Rupini: - Existence, knowledge and Bliss-Conferring Mother.

 Only after that, the evil is purged out by Her, She confers Life, Light, and Love.

(8) Rasa-Shevadhi. – Joy treasure-house Mother.
The souls favored with Mother’s Grace are treasure houses of joyfulness. A true devotee of Mother should not be looking austere-looking, awful and fear-inspiring. Just the reverse of it, he must be the source of joyfulness, blessedness, vitality, relishfulness and supreme satisfaction and attraction. One of the tests of Mother’s Grace is to observe how far the devotee is loved by and loves children around him.

(9) Naishkarmyaa: - Actions are classified, as of daily duty, as on occasions, as for expiation, as for fulfilment of certain desires, as prohibited, and as for one’s evolution.
Actions do not affect and bind a true devotee. He has no obligatory actions to perform.

(10) Lalittaambikaa – Sportive Mother.
The devotee himself becomes the Sportive Mother, having attained identity with Her.

Mother bless them that being unable to take the repetition of thousand names, repeat these ten names with the eight names before and after, as narrated and explained hereafter in Group A.

Jay Mai Mother Bless All

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