Mother's Path most suitable

We cannot be happy without religion, and religions as they are have lost all love, faith and esteem, Is there no way out ?

In the circumstances what is needed to-day
is the most careful sifting and clearing of all religious Ideas and Ideals, with a spirit of oneness, impartiality and unpreconceivedness, truth-seeking, overhauling and resetting of the whole thing, reducing the dross as much as possible and retaining gold. The present conditions must be studied. This world and happiness of the humanity of this world must have also as important a place as that of the other world and relation of an individual with his God in seclusion. Religion must be brought to bear light on burning questions of the day. Under the changed conditions where the relational and communal ties have entirely disappeared, these problems are not insignificant ones. When people have lost all training in self-control and sacrifice for a higher life, the sex problem is not so easy. When people are in entire oblivion regarding the hundredfold higher happiness proceeding from the mind, soul or God (Mother), it is not easy to dissuade them from sense enjoyment-craving or Materialism-Mirage pursuit. Compulsion without the gauging of the capacity of any age is only a curse and cause for hypocrisy and debasement. Some constructive mentality must always be there and there must be measures
for discipline taught by and with and through love. We must make out the best in the circumstances in which we are, rather than lose everything, peace, happiness, Soul and God.

While trying to arrive at a suitable path, I found that Mother's path was most suitable. As I would like to put it, there are two paths. Father's path and Mother's path, on the basis of the understanding through various scriptures of Hinduism. There is no Mother's path in any other religion. Although Mother Mary worship still prevails in Catholic churches, the worship is subordinated to the chief worship of Lord Christ and psychologically it does not afford a different path. All past religions have been of the former classification. The difference is this.

One is routine path, another is the rugged path. One is long, another is short. In one there is full safety but dead-ness, in another there is full life but danger. In one there is no freedom, in the other there is no protection. In one case you are in a well protected castle, in another you are abroad but with a steel armour. One is the path of passivity, another of activity. One is the teaching of statics, another is the teaching of dynamics (including statics). In one, goal is being happy, in another being perfect. In you have scriptures and hereditary gurus to follow, another you have to follow your own experiences ar decisions with voluntary following of the guru whom yo select for yourself. In one, your religious living means observing Sandhyā, Pujā, doing Nitya and Naimittika. Karmas, observing your customs, bathing, not taking nonvegetarian food, attendance on churches, etc. In another, religious living means living in strict following with fundamental truths only, leaving social matters to the individual will. In one there is “no change”, in another there is “change with the requirements of the times in the outer coatings of religion, and life.” In one, religion is a private concern between God and the God aspirant. In another he has to be in full rhyming with God, universe and other beings. In one case no enjoyment, in another practicing self-control in midst of enjoyment. In one case woman is a hell-carrier, in another she is an indispensable companion. In one case, folds of castes, in another case whole humanity. In one case, seeking scriptural knowledge, in another seeking experience. In one case, allopathy alone. In another, surgery in addition..

I do not see everything to be the same thing. I find there are differences of the visual angles and beliefs and methods and I see the world is shifting towards the Mother's path. I am afraid that if the Hindus do not revise their beliefs and set their house in order by a new dispensation, revising their scriptures and their interpretations and removing the chaff and retaining the gold, they will soon find in less than two or three hundred years that the Left Path or Vāmāchar would return, and capture and contaminate Hinduism. It is for them to foresee, and with a little foregoing of details and prejudices, it should respect the Satwik One Religion of One God, viz., that of the “Vishva. Janani,” “The Universal Mother,” “Māi”, rather than be weak enough to fall a prey to the Vāmāchar of Rājasik and Tūmasik nature, or to masked materialism or out and out atheism.

We have left one shore. We cannot go back. It is impossible for any one to take us back. Let us then have a new religion, new way of looking and living, new morality, new religion, new control, new discipline, new method and new belief.

And this is what the Mother's Lodge is trying to lay foundations of, under the Grace of God as Mother of Love and Mercy and not Power, under the regime of Mâi and not Shakti. I am too conscious of my inability to take up the onerous-task and I have smarted under the most humiliating failure. But I am determined and feel convinced I am working under Mother's command. My spade work will be taken up by mighty souls, or at least it will reform Hinduism in matter of the most pernicious beliefs, about Mother. None need advise me about abandoning the work. Every Religion needs overhauling and all religions need unification under One Banner. I am prepared for every failure. I will be doing Mother's service even after my death. My pains none can know but Mother.

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