God's Idea

God's Idea 

Till now God has been preached most as God above, and by few as God with: To these two very well established notion Mother's Lodge emphatically adds the conception of God around. When we serve and love children, we love and serve the Mother Further, we have till now God of greater Fear and less love. The Lodge substitutes from now, the God of greater Love and less fear.

The Conception of Mother and child is a perfect Ideal of purity, sincerity, naturalness and ennobling-ness.

Not (only) the God of future and after death, but the God of present and during life. Not (only) the God that would let us loose and lash us after a long lapse at His leisure, but the God that would ever be with us, through Constant Remembrance while rendering service practicing love and diving in devotion.

It is left to the reader, either to read the word (only) or not.

  God As Mother

There are three principal ways of looking at God, religiously. God as one Supreme Self, of which we little selves are reflections, God as Father, God as Mother of the whole creation). The first Conception is not only  impracticable for the common mass but is found on minute observation to be the achievement rather than the evolutionary remedy. The world has seen what God as Father with all the fears of His wrath and hell has been able to do and has done. The world has however seldom thought of the Motherhood of God. Perhaps because of man's desire to maintain his superiority. Motherhood has been neglected and the world has been unhappy. The head has run disproportionately in advance of the heart. With the conception of God as Mother, our relations with Almighty become more direct dispensing with the mediation of priest-craft, ceremony, sacred lore and observance of non-essentials. Mother's Love is no-one's monopoly, none is disqualified ; none has no claim to the lap of one's Mother. Mother worship has no particular form or ceremony and Mother has no particular name or form.
To the Mother the weakest child is the most cared for and dearest.

Father is head, knowledge, proficiency, wisdom, balance, justice, resourcefulness and arduousness. Mother is heart, will, character, power, love, mercy, inspiration and faith In the ocean of Love alone all difference sink.

Father is he whom Mother introduces as Father. With Mother the child is one. being under Her protection, care and nourishment even before its birth. None was born without a Mother.

If we desire that the whole humanity may be religiously served by individuals, if we desire that the spiritual evolution should proceed from love rather than the fear of society or hell, if we desire to be quickly forgiven for our daily repeated thousand faults, if we wish that our worthlessness may submerge itself in the divine love which God bears towards the creation, there is nothing on earth that can compare with the Ideal of Mother's Love to Her children, and God as Mother would be the first most suitable Ideal.

If we wish to establish God that considers the service of humanity as the first and foremost duty, that goal is most efficiently achieved by the Mother's conception ; for it is the daily experience of common life that the Mother is happy when the children are happy, and that daughter or son who is exerting herself or himself most for the well being of Her children-folk is Her dearest child.

The best way of attracting Mothers' love, as seen in daily life, is the service of, and love to, Her child. A child has its greatest trust in the protection and forgiveness by Mother. Mother's love does not look for any return and is the last word of celestial thing on the earth. There is no weighing. Mother's eyes refuse to see evil and sin in Her child. Love and Mercy can be the only ideals as Saviors when all equipment as physical fitness, moral rectitude, right understanding, self-control, able sincere and selfless guidance and congeniality of social environments, etc., fail. There is no religion without religiosity, no religiosity without selflessness and no greater teacher of selflessness, even for worst stones, than Love -“The Merciful Mother.”

                 Definiteness of Mother's Ideal 

Mother's Ideal gives definite conceptions. The definite conception of Mother's doctrine is that She is Mother of all including the wayward, the sinful, the murderer, the aborigine and the untouchable.

The definite requirement of the conduct of life is living with the immensely practical spirit of sisterhood and brotherhood. The definite purpose of life is service to humanity and individual salvation. The definite means are love, service, devotion and unconditional cheerful self-surrender to the Mother's Divine Will.

Mother's Ideal is not an elastic bag of an individual religion in which anything can be shoved in. Mother's Ideal is any religion but not that alone. It is an extract or a recast without the age-borne impurity.

Mother's Lodge as a Religious Institute Mother's Lodge while advocating the conception of God as Mother and that of the immensely practical relation of all human beings as of sisters and brothers, does not desire to add one more religion to the already too many but is contented with remaining strictly within the precincts of a Lodge.

Mother's Lodge Message 

No religious Institute came into existence without its distinguishing word of message for its adherents and admirers and yet no word was given that was not known to others then and in the past. Nor was any word given out when there were not hundreds though few comparatively, that were thinking in the same groove. Nothing can be accepted as true unless it has passed through experience of hundreds and nothing that has passed through hundreds can be new. In fact, nothing that is not corroborated by experience and is not needed in living circumstances, claims our notice. The world has different needs at different periods, and religious Institutes cut out grooves or leading channels for human thought, feeling and action to flow in. Different Institutes are for different focussings from different angles on the spiritual plane. Hinduism is for contemplation and humility; Mohomadanism for Brotherhood and God's will surrender; Sikhism for determination and devotion ; Jainism for harmlessness and austerity; Zoroastrianism for purity and charity; Judaism for piety and patience : Buddhism for Right Conduct and transitoriness-outlook and Christianity for duty and faith. Mother's Lodge Ideal stands for Universal Love and Universal Service.

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